In reality I miss Xanga. And that's pretty much why I'm doing this. As "fun" as it is to be connected to everyone and their distant cousin through Facebook, I still miss Xanga. It was better in a different way.
As for MySpace, good riddance. That was like a watering hole for freaks.
Today is Sunday.
I feel as though the events of the past four months have been like tiny hairs sitting on the edge of a sink that have suddenly been pushed toward the black hole in the middle.
That is not to say that I have wasted four months. Rather, I cannot tell what happened in July, August, etc. It's all just a mass of things I did to prepare to move on with my life. To destroy the "Life is Hairs Around a Sink" complex, I will be moving to Provo, Utah in January. It will certainly not make everything right (it's not wrong now), but it is a step in the right direction.
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