Saturday, December 12, 2009

'Twas the night before Sunday

BYU thrashed Fresno State. Sort of. They won at least.

Anyway, I just thought I would express my undying love for random jams. No matter how it comes together, there's just a feeling you get being somewhere new, singing till you can't any more. That's what makes me feel alive.

So here's my two cents: Whatever it is that gives you that feeling, go do it. Do it often. Make sure you're living the way you would want someone to write about you. If it's base jumping, take a leap. If it's sorting socks, go to Target and pick yourself up a new pair.
There's nothing worth doing that you can't do often. And if you can, you should. Not out of a moral obligation, but out of a human obligation. Breathe, bleed, squish mud between your fingers.

I'm no perfect example. I have had my share of wasted moments and regrets, but it's not about that. There's not enough time to live in yesterday or wait till tomorrow.

P.S. Special thanks to the random jammers and BYU men's basketball and Nate's frostie funds.

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