Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Greatest Security Day Ever

If you have ever heard me explain what I do at the Museum of Art you have probably heard me use the word boring. That's because my job is boring.
Or is it?
(Start dramatic music)

Today I only worked for two hours and they were the most eventful two hours of my security career.
First, as soon as I sat down at the information desk I knew something odd was going on. There was a group of students with a teacher. None of the students had shoes on. They turned on a portable stereo. And then....yes, they started to dance. Hi.La.Ri.Ous. All of the employees in the gift shop came out to watch and we had a hard time not cracking up.
Second, an older woman (mid to late 80's) believed she had lost her brother somewhere in the museum. I was sent to the fine arts center to search for him. Then police were called. Finally they found him, but there was a lot of effort put into it by the security team. The woman was very distraught and it was nice to be the one to tell her, "Ma'm, they found your brother."
Third, just when I thought the day had cooled off, things started getting crazy again. The dance crew was back and this time they brought props. Even funnier. Let me give you a general picture: ribbons, colorful sheets, classical operatic music. I think you get the idea.

On top of all of this, it was the first time I had ever been the senior guard in the building. Usually I work with Marlee and Kyle, but neither of them came in and the two replacements had less seniority than me. One of them had never closed the building before so I had to teach her everything.

See how fun security can be? Too bad that was one day out of what feels like an eternity in uniform.
Remember kids, even the most tedious work can be entertaining...but it hardly ever is so try and get a job doing something you actually enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, couldn't these people have spaced out the excitement so that you had more stories to share tomorrow?
