Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

I understand that it's Friday. Why is it black? Is there something inherently dark about the day?

I felt somewhat curious about the madness. I found little worth buying and far less to be considered at a significant discount. At least I got two new ties...that were at normally marked prices. Whatever. I shun Black Friday's false promises.

Tried to find a place to stay in Provo for January. Doing so online is a little trickier than I had anticipated. Maybe I will go up there to check it out some time between now and the move.

Hope everyone (like...the 2 people who may read this) had a great holiday. I say that despite the triteness of wishing someone a happy holiday. I honestly hope it was a good one. Mine was high-quality.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Last Five Years

BEST show I have seen in a long time: Last Five Years.

Special thanks to Ceci for recommending it and inviting me to go see it.
Very near to life-changing. As near as I have let a show get to doing that to me.

All sorts of emotions were screaming through my mind as I watched and listened. It reminded what I love about theater.
I feel like I opened a compartment in the world and found another piece of life to add to my collection, if that makes sense. Even more so if it doesn't.

My advice: go see something live and well-written/acted. It will always be worth your time.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A recurring theme

Today in the third hour at church we were discussing various themes as they related to a talk taken from this last session of general conference. I was pondering something Nate read when this thought I have had many times came to me again (I will give it detail):

The world is constantly concerned with progress. Typically it is social progress. Minority groups have rights, the abolishment of archaic policies, etc. Much of this is good.
However, one thing that too many people fail to realize is this: God is constant. He does not require progress. He is perfect.

If we were to follow His commandments with exactness, had we done so since the beginning of time, there would have been no progress. We would have arrived at the point towards which we are presently headed.
True progress, I believe, can be defined as "coming more in line with the Godly order of things."

This is really a "duh" statement. But I see that so often we attribute society's "progress" to men. Suddenly man has become more intelligent. The Dark Ages were dark because something was lacking, but it wasn't man's wisdom; there was no one to align the people to God's path.

I, for one, am very grateful for a loving God who leads all who are willing to follow. In this time of giving thanks, I praise He who gave me breath for giving me the understanding of progress and how it differs from moral relativism. Let us be glad to push towards perfection while remaining cautious of the false prophets of our time that would call themselves progressive but are truly treading the steep and slippery slope to destruction.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Great Debate

So I struggled internally to decide whether or not I should start a blog.
In reality I miss Xanga. And that's pretty much why I'm doing this. As "fun" as it is to be connected to everyone and their distant cousin through Facebook, I still miss Xanga. It was better in a different way.
As for MySpace, good riddance. That was like a watering hole for freaks.

Today is Sunday.

I feel as though the events of the past four months have been like tiny hairs sitting on the edge of a sink that have suddenly been pushed toward the black hole in the middle.
That is not to say that I have wasted four months. Rather, I cannot tell what happened in July, August, etc. It's all just a mass of things I did to prepare to move on with my life. To destroy the "Life is Hairs Around a Sink" complex, I will be moving to Provo, Utah in January. It will certainly not make everything right (it's not wrong now), but it is a step in the right direction.
To end this post, I would like to thank my friends Ashley and Ashlie for inspiring me to create a blog. Though, if this all goes sour, I will probably blame, and not thank you.