Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Rather Timely Post

Today I was entering something into the calendar on my phone and I was reminded of a conundrum that I encountered as a youth. Allow me to explain:

11:59 a.m. is just before noon. But noon is 12 p.m.
11:59 p.m. is just before midnight. But midnight is 12 a.m.
On a number line, the first whole number is 1. Not 12.
Am I crazy or should we have just said noon is 12 a.m. and midnight is 12 p.m.?
Who came up with that?
If I created time, we would just start the am/pm switch with 1 o'clock.
I totally remember struggling with this concept when I was a kid, and I guess I just gave up on the search for understanding. Can someone help me? Can you explain any rationale for the am/pm debacle?

If you didn't enjoy this post I hope you at least enjoyed the terribly corny title.


  1. Wow. I've never given it that much thought.

  2. I totally agree with you. Anytime I have to deal with the whole 12 AM or 12 PM thing I still have to stop and think, "What's most logical?", and then do the opposite!

  3. Rex I know how solve your problem with just two words, military time.
