Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Doctor Rex

Today while I was shaving, I was thinking about how I want to become a professor. Earlier in the day I was discussing with my dad the various types of teachers and how many are terrible and few are incredible.
I want to be an incredible professor.
From my research (being a student), I have gathered a few points that will help me to focus on key issues in my career. Here are a few:

- Don't just transfer knowledge. Anyone can read a book, but not everyone can feel a passion for a subject they never knew they could love. Make the students feel your love for the subject.
- Don't teach something you don't know. If you aren't sure, say so. There's nothing worse than a teacher who thinks he knows everything and is unwilling to admit mistakes.
- Rely on class participation and discussion to further the learning process. I remember so little of what I learned from class because I never had to apply the knowledge or repeat it to anyone else.
- Follow your own rules. If you say no chewing gum, that means you too. If the dress code is enforced for students where you work, follow it yourself. Students respect teachers that adhere to the same guidelines.
- Don't make someone feel stupid for not knowing something. Help them find a desire to learn and use positive reenforcement (grades) to make them see improvement.

and finally,

- Give A's and 100%'s. Nobody likes a class where "nobody gets an A."

If there are any more things you've taken from your educational experience, share them with me. These are all from my schooling, so if you wonder why I wrote a point, ask me. I'd love to tell you.


  1. Bribe them with candy. Everyone loves candy.

  2. Rex, it's been a while since you've written. You should fix that

  3. I do write. It's on my new blog with Molly:
